Discover the magic of alcohol inks!

Over a 1000 creatives from all over the world have taken one of my courses!


Alcohol Ink Artist Anne Roos Smink

Hi there! I am Anne Roos, an alcohol ink artist living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. My own alcohol ink art journey began back in 2018, and I have been addicted since. I have helped over 2000 creatives from all over the world in improving their alcohol ink art skills. I know how frustrating the process can be in the beginning, so please know: Good things take time! I am here to guide you through this process and give you step-by-step demonstrations and a wealth of advice that will help you improve your techniques and get control over those inks. I get so much positive energy from making my inks flow around on paper and I hope I can bring some of that positive energy to you!

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